GP Originals 2021
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Clicking on an Image opens a Large Photo / Slide Show
(to return to the Gallery from the Slide Show, press the Esc key or click on * in the top R/H corner)
If you wish to purchase any images, please click on the shopping trolley.
For the File Name, click on the 'i' at the bottom of the screen.
DVD DISCS with a photo on front, containing all images of you from a single meeting are now available. A High Res Image Disc is just £35 (normally £10 each Pic) or a Web Res Image Disc is just £25 (normally £3.10 each Pic).
TShirts are now available printed with your chosen image, starting at just £10. KEY RINGS are also available for just £5 including postage.
(images are shown in low res)